• Question: Will you be a scientist your whole life or will you change your job when you get older because your job is quite active!?

    Asked by immyt123 to Suzanne, Claire on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Suzanne Harvey

      Suzanne Harvey answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Haha, good point! I think I will stay a scientist, I know someone in his 60s who still spends a couple of months at the field site every year! A lot of time is spent working on the data and writing up experiments too, so if I get tired I can focus on that…

    • Photo: Claire El Mouden

      Claire El Mouden answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Honestly, I’m not sure. Right now, I love it, and there is nothing else I want to do. But who knows?! The nice thing about science is that once you know the techniques of how to do experiments and write papers, you can easily do other things and still keep up with doing some science in your spare time.
