• Question: What is the hardes science questions ???

    Asked by vanessa200134 to Claire, Joanna, Kapila, Renata, Suzanne on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Claire El Mouden

      Claire El Mouden answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I think the ones which are impossible test experimentally.

      For example, is there only one universe, or are there multiple universes? What happened before the big bang?

    • Photo: Joanna Bryson

      Joanna Bryson answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      It’s hard to know that is really a hard question in science, because the ones that seem hard we often just aren’t thinking about the right way, and the ones that seem easy sometimes also we just haven’t tested our answers to see if we were right. That’s part of what makes science exciting.

      Sometimes I think the hardest questions are the ones people don’t really want to know the answer to, so even if we find an answer we keep looking for a different one. I think this is happening now with consciousness. Before it happened with evolution and with astronomy.
