• Question: what is the best job that you cdan to in the future

    Asked by saida123456 to Claire, Joanna, Kapila, Renata, Suzanne on 24 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Renata Medeiros

      Renata Medeiros answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      My ideal job for the next 5 or 10 years would be to become a part-time lecturer (university teacher and researcher) at Cardiff university. I really enjoy teaching but I don’t get to do much at the moment because I only have a temporary research job. I would keep on researching seabirds, mainly in the Azores, Mauritius and Wales. Being a lecturer is very hard work that can take a lot of your time – I would like to do it part-time so that I would still have plenty of time to be with my family. Fingers crossed 🙂

    • Photo: Joanna Bryson

      Joanna Bryson answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      If you mean *me*, I guess the best job I could have is the one I have, only with more grants so I can have even more brilliant students and postdocs to work with. Scientists have to ask for money from the government (which really comes from tax payers) and sometimes from rich philanthropists, or else we can’t hire coworkers.

      If you mean *anyone* / *you* 🙂 then that depends on who you are. The world will keep changing and there will keep being new jobs, and just like there are different species living all different kinds of ways with their different talents, different people enjoy and are good at different things when it comes to jobs. But one thing I’m pretty sure of is it’s worth studying and getting good grades so you can have more choice about what you do next.

    • Photo: Claire El Mouden

      Claire El Mouden answered on 25 Jun 2013:


      I would like to get a fellowship that will give me enough money to have PhD students of my own. For me it’s also really important to be working in a place where there are other academics who share my interests. Something long terms I hope is to be able to share the insights I’ve got from doing my research with policy makers – such as governments. There are some people who I work with that sit on specialist committees that advise government about things. I think I’d enjoy doing that while continuing my research.
