• Question: What is a storm petrels common diet?

    Asked by rands013 to Renata on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Renata Medeiros

      Renata Medeiros answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Storm petrels seem not to be picky and eat pretty much anything they can find, so it’s hard to describe a typical diet. However, the things that seem to be most common are sardines (and other small fish), squid, small crustaceans (marine isopods seem to appear a lot, they are like marine woodlice) and insects! Although storm petrels don’t come inland to feed they find many dead insects floating far out at sea. Storm petrels feed from the sea surface, in flight but using their feet to paddle along in a way that really looks like they are walking on the water. In David Attenborough’s Blue Planet you can see an amazing image of storm petrels feeding (it only lasts a couple of minutes but the whole programme is worth watching anyway 🙂
