• Question: how does your personality effect your work

    Asked by keeranmanoharan to Suzanne on 28 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Suzanne Harvey

      Suzanne Harvey answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      I think there are two personality traits that help you to do science with fieldwork – you need to be really motivated to get the work done, because no one is going to make you do it and it’s your responsibility, but you also need to be relaxed about how fieldwork progresses. Being in the wild, there are so many things you can’t control, and it’s very unpredictable, so if it doesn’t go to plan, don’t panic!

      Also for my particular work, it’s good to try not to let your personality affect how you interpret results, we need to try to be objective about animal behaviour and not put a human personality on them, which can be difficult 🙂
