• Question: have you got poo from a chick

    Asked by parrot to Renata on 21 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Renata Medeiros

      Renata Medeiros answered on 21 Jun 2013:

      Hi parrot,
      I get poo from chicks all the time. They are a bit easier because they just stay in the same place. Often the diet of the adults is different from the one they feed their chicks with, which is very interesting. And Storm petrels do something really strange, they feed their chick (it’s always only one) a lot more than it needs at each time until the chick is an enormous ball of fat, much bigger than the parents! Then the parents go back to the sea and abandon the chick long before it is ready to fly. So the chick stays there loosing weight, using up all the energy from fat to grow the feathers until it is ready to fly and it just leaves the nest and finds its way alone.
